Four ways to act on climate change - with your kids!

Four ways to act on climate change - with your kids!

We know that no one will be more impacted by climate change than our kids - it is future generations who must face the consequences of our current actions.. This is, of course, deeply unfair to young people, but more often than not, climate change activism today is often fueled by youth who have chosen to focus on solutions and hope rather than negativity.
While hearing about the reality of climate change can be scary and daunting, there’s also another strong message we can take from young climate activists: we have the ability to act now.
Looking for ways to act on climate change and share with others?
Keep reading.
1. Encourage walking or biking
Walking and biking are two powerful alternatives for cleaner transportation. While this option may not be viable for everyone or for all situations, it’s a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Walking and biking are not only great ways for you to act on climate change, but they also are wonderful ways to spend quality time outdoors with your children. 
2. Reduce energy consumption
There’s no question that our energy consumption has increased over the years, especially with the number of electronic devices that have proliferated in our homes.. With that comes the heightened responsibility to make sure that we conserve as much energy as possible. Unplugging our electronics and turning off the lights when we’re not using them are all ways to make your home much more energy efficient.  You can involve your children in the effort by turning it into a game: see who can turn off the most lights before leaving the house, and encourage kids to play outdoors during ‘energy-saving hours’.
3. Encourage more discussion
When it comes to climate change, the power of discussion is so incredibly important. For our children, discussion is something that can be carried out both at home and in schools. Having discussions on climate change is a great way to get other perspectives on the matter, and gain even more ideas of how all of us can do our part in making the earth a much safer place for all of us to live in. You’d be surprised at the playful and inventive solutions your children come up with, and your kids will love being turned to for solutions.
4. Spread the word!
When it comes to spreading the word about climate change, there’s no doubt that we can count on our youth to do it. Just a quick glimpse on the social media pages of today’s youth climate activists can show you how much our they care about climate change and how they are using their platforms to make an impact – see our blog post 4 youth climate activists to keep up with on social media. If you are looking for ways to spread the word, take a look at our collection of t-shirts featuring climate change messaging, a great start to help make a difference. Be sure to tag us when you and your little ones take action!